Stir Crazy Full Movie


Its very blood like. So we have bloody ghost pancakes with bacon. 11am: Lunch are grilled cheese sandwiches cut into the shape of bats and dipped in tomato soup along with some bats and cats chips from Trader Joes. My son and I also make rice crispy treats. I have some white candy melts that I tint green. We use cookie cutters to make Frankenstein heads and I dip one side in green candy coating. We use candy eyes and black sprinkles to make faces. I make up a box of brownie mix and bake them in a silicone pan that makes little pumpkin shapes. Once they are cool I split them in half. I use the last of the raspberry sauce and a little homemade chocolate ganache to make little brownie sandwiches then pour a chocolate glaze over them to make little petit fours. 5pm: Tonight is fancy Halloween feast. I make a pepperoni pizza using a store bought crust. I make my own sauce with tomato paste, tomato sauce, herbs and garlic. I use mini cookie cutters to cut out bats, tomb stones and ghosts from slices of mozzarella cheese.

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I guess this is more of a rant, but I really feel like there shouldn't be such a bridge between retirees that are older and us (we chose to retire earlier than most). We had a weird interaction recently with an older couple and it has really urked me because I feel like this has been for the most part, a fairly inclusive, judgement free community. Maybe we have just gotten the wrong end of the stick in our interactions with people. Has anyone else experienced this? Or not.. Maybe its just me going a bit stir crazy because we have been stuck with a broken leaf spring waiting on a part for 10+ days outside Flagstaff, AZ. With everything closed BC covid we have watched every movie under the sun and maybe I'm not resonating with staying inside my camper most of the day like our older friends.

Food Diary of family of 3 in SoCal : FoodDiaries

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Why I bought these I don't know cause I don't like them at all. I take 3 bites and toss it. I make my son his normal breakfast. 9am: I find some grapes in the fridge and end up eating some along with a slice of bread an some peanut butter. 11am: Today I beg and plead and my son agrees to eat something other than pizza. I make him cheese, crackers, ham and some grapes. I make myself a grilled cheese and a can of tomato soup. 6pm: Dinner time. Tonight is more Southern style cooking. I warm up a smoked sausage in the oven and make home made southern baked mac and cheese and green beans. 10/29 DAY Five: 6am: Coffee, coffee and more coffee. Make my son his normal breakfast. I don't have time to eat right now which stinks. 9am: I get a break from school for my son so I make myself a smoothie. I use a pack of immunity smoothie mix from Sprouts that has been living in my freezer. It has just frozen OJ. I add half a frozen banana, a scoop of unflavored protein powder, ½ a cup of Greek yogurt, some milk and a handful of frozen spinach.