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However, my friends promised the manga was better and they loaned it to me. They were putting it lightly! Although the majority of the volumes are about Subaru's job putting restless spirits to peace, within the stories is the development of the relationship between Subaru, his sister, and their friend Seishiro. Each volume only took about 45 minutes to read, as they.. Most of why I like this is Subaru. I just really liked his character and it worked very well for the story. The contrast between him and Seishiro was nice as well. I did however get to the last chapter and go 'wait that's all? ' Character development felt rushed and without explanation. I'm hoping that if these characters are, as promised by wikipedia, picked up in X/1999 that the development will be a bit better. Also I never believed the BL aspect of the story. First it was all a joke which is.. As far as manga goes, Tokyo Babylon is exceptional. It seems rather difficult to find truly good manga. It's understandable that some stories don't translate quite well, so that's often the issue, but there does seem to be quite a lot of what I consider to be mediocre work.

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